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How many of us women google men before dating them?
I do.
I try to find out something about the guy before deciding if I’d go out with him or not. Or if I find a guy I meet interesting, I search on the web for something about him.
In real life, women would usually consult with their friends about a guy they are interested in before going out on a date with him or before continuing the relationship into higher level.
Online, there are several sites or portals for single people that allow them to find a date but rarely do you find a site that lets you rate a guy, discuss him with your peer or read about other women’s experiences on dating. WomanSavers addresses all these concerns for women. A pioneer in its kind, WomanSavers was established in 2003. Their tagline, "Research & Rate B4 U Date", bespeaks of its objectives.
WomanSavers makes dating safer for women worldwide by letting its users share their experiences and help women worldwide avoid dating alleged cheating men, lying men or abusive men.
WomanSavers is a community with a global database that searches and organizes a man's relationship history with an emphasis on infidelity, trust, abuse, commitment and general character. Members post and share their stories about a guy.
Unlike some dating sites I have encountered, WomanSavers offers infidelity and adultery advice, monogamy statistics and signs of cheating, and reasons why husbands and boyfriends cheat and lie.
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